Hardship Letter Examples

   Psychology Services Hardship Letter

{Phone #}


Dear {psychologist/counselor}:

Thank you so much for meeting with {me/spouse/child}. After our initial session, I felt hope for the first time in a long time. I am optimistic that with your help, the lines of communication will continue to open and our family can function to the best of its ability.

After our meeting, I was embarrassed and discouraged to find that you are not listed as a preferred provider under my insurance policy through {company}. Because of that, they will only cover {amount} per session. This would leave me responsible for {amount}. As much as we value our mental health and the personal growth that counseling could bring, we cannot possibly squeeze that amount out of our monthly budget.

Do you possibly offer a sliding scale arrangement? We would be happy to pay {amount} per session.

I completely understand if you are not able to accommodate such an arrangement. I have enclosed the full amount of {amount} due for the much-appreciated initial consultation.


{Sender Name}

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Index of Hardship Letter Examples