Hardship Letter Examples

   High School Counselor Explaining Grade

Dear {college admissions office}:

As guidance counselor for {Student Name}, I am writing to provide additional context on {grade situation} and to recommend that their admission to {University Name} not be revoked.

{Student Name} is a standout student, with a GPA of {number}, along with being involved in {sports/student government/volunteering/etc.}.

Unfortunately, {course schedule was unrealistic/teacher was often absent/the class went online/the lab was unavailable/the student was sick/etc.}. The grade they received in this class is not only not reflective of their ability, it is inappropriate given the circumstances. Due to {academic bureaucracy}, the grade cannot be altered, which is why I’m writing to you now.

Please evaluate {Student Name} in the context of their entire high school career, and do not let this one outlier grade negatively impact their future with {University Name}.



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Index of Hardship Letter Examples