Hardship Letter Examples

   Hardship Letter Bad Grades

Dear Professor {Name},

I am writing this letter to request the option of retaking the {final/midterm/quiz} that occurred on {date}. I do not dispute the grade you gave me at all, but severe {financial/emotional/medical} hardship has resulted in my inability to properly {study/perform}.

I have always respected and admired your "no excuses" policy when it comes to teaching, so please understand that I do not make this request lightly. I have always worked hard to meet your standards and to perform to the best of my abilities.

However, on {date} I {lost my job/scholarship, was in a car accident, had to fly home for a funeral, etc.}. This threw my entire academic schedule into chaos, since {detailed description of how it affected your sleep/studying/time}. It embarrasses me that I was unable to cope with the stress of this situation, but I hope that in this difficult time you can help me show you that I am dedicated to my education.

I have included written statements from my {doctor/therapist/lender/bank} confirming the severity of my situation. I have also outlined a {financial/academic} plan to prove that this situation will not happen again. I believe that I can put myself back on track if given this second chance. Thank you for your consideration.


{Sender Name}

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Index of Hardship Letter Examples