Hardship Letter Examples

   Classroom Crowdfunding Letter

{Your Name}
{Your Address}
{Your Phone #}


Dear {parents/community members/business owners},

I am so proud of my {grade} students! They are amazingly motivated and always ready to learn. They also love technology! The children get so excited when they are able to work on {iPads/tablets/Chromebooks}.

These devices are changing how kids learn, for the better. They can hear a math problem explained, in their own voices. They can develop vocabulary and reading with the help of free apps and programs. There are so many ways to use this technology in the classroom.

I have never seen students so excited about learning. Also, thanks to the {iPads/tablets/Chromebooks}, the children are more willing to take risks when problem-solving, preparing a presentation, or doing other classwork. Technology seems to be the "hook" that engages the students and fosters a "can do" attitude.

My students come from all kinds of backgrounds. Some have good living situations while others have very difficult ones. What's the same is they all love to learn. Additional {iPads/tablets/Chromebooks} will help them reach their potential. I'd use additional devices {describe plans}.

Due to funding constraints inherent at a Title 1 campus like {school}, our classroom has only {number} devices. Since there are {number} students in my class, that means {number} students must share a single device. If we are successful in raising {dollar amount}, that ratio would improve to {number}.

Please visit my crowdfunding site at {URL} and consider donating if you are able.

Thanks so much,

{Sender Name}

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Index of Hardship Letter Examples